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NameTypeForStatusMod homepageContentReviews
C2SYeswww.karljones.com!1 map
C3SYeswww.karljones.com!1 map
Castle CreepSYeswww.clubi.ie!8 maps, new tex
Chaos TheorySYes8 maps, new tex
Freemans Allegiance 1: White MesaSYes1 map
Ground ZeroSYeswww.planethalflife.com! dmcb.cjb.net!5 maps, new snd
Kosovo 2000SYes1 map, new tex
Mel Soaring 2: Star RancorSYesrender-seed.cjb.net!5 maps
MisantrophySYeswww.solidnapalm.com! www.k-saz.freeserve.co.uk!5 maps
No RegretsSYeswww.geocities.com!1 map, new tex
OtageSYesdje33.free.fr! 1 map, new mdl,snd
Pillars of Pain: A Buddy & Kona Saga (PoP-BaKs)SYesrender-seed.cjb.net! www.quakefiles.com!5 maps, new tex
QuakeSYeswebsite.lineone.net!1 map, new tex
SubhumanitySYes20 maps, new tex,mdl,snd
Tucked UpSYes3 maps, new snd
101 GruntsSYes3 maps
Assault On RoswellSYesWWW.MIGANDI.FREESERVE.CO.UK!24 maps
CrawlerSYeswww.karljones.com!1 map
Data-baseSYes1 map
Gateway (The)SYesmhind26.tripod.com!16 maps, new mdl,snd
Lord's LairSYeswww.sunshine.net!1 map
RESSYes8 maps, new tex
Storage FacilitySYes1 map, new tex
3rd505thSYes1 map
Between Two WorldsSYeswww.converted2.com!9 maps

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