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NameTypeForStatusMod homepageContentReviews
SandpitsandboxYes!3 maps, new dll,tex,mdl
SandscrollSYes!2 maps, new tex www.snarkpit.net
Saving BobSYeswww.geocities.com!5 maps, new tex
Science and IndustryMYesscienceandindustrygame.com! si.hlgaming.com! en.wikipedia.org! ! si.planethalflife.gamespy.com! !18 maps, new dll,tex,mdl,snd
Scientist SlaughtherhouseS+MYeswww.planethalflife.com!23 maps, new dll,tex,mdl,snd
Scientist's AdventureSYessteamcommunity.com!8 maps, new dll,tex,mdl,snd
Scientist's ViewSwiphlsv.blogspot.com!new mdl
Second ChanceSYes4 mapstwhl.info
Secret BaseSYes2 maps
Secret Santa 2011 - StojkeSYestwhl.info!2 maps, new sndtwhl.info
Sector 6xSlooking for thishosting.cecak.cz
Seek and DestroySYes1 map
SelfkillSYes1 map
SepulcherSYes1 map
Sex Drugs and Beer CanM/coopYesnew dll,tex,mdl,snd
Shadows Part 1SYesmembers.home.net!8 maps, new tex
Shaft (Part 1)SYes4 maps
Ship (The)MYes6 maps, new dll,tex,mdl,snd
ShootoutS+MYeswww.geocities.com!1+1M maps
Shrike BotbotYes shrikebot.bots-united.com!new dll
Silenced HallsSYes1 map
Silent DreamsSYesyadi.sk! www.snarkpit.net!1 map, new tex,snd
Silo Station (The)SYeswww.pyramid.net! htmlgear.tripod.com!1 map
Site BSYes1 maptwhl.info

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