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NameTypeForStatusMod homepageContentReviews
MistakeSYesmistakemod.extra.hu!12 maps, new tex,mdl,snd
MonkeyStrikeMYeswww.monkeystrike.com! monkeystrike.planethalflife.gamespy.com!12 maps, new dll,tex,mdl,snd
Move In!MYes11 maps, new dll,tex,mdl,snd
Naruto: Naiteki KenseiM+fightingYesnaiteki-kensei.com!7 maps, new dll,tex,mdl,snd
Natural SelectionM+RPGYeswww.naturalselection.com! www.unknownworlds.com! www.unknownworlds.com! !27 maps, new dll,tex,mdl,snd
Need for EnergySYesscrama.3dn.ru! scrama_levelart.livejournal.com! scrama-levelart.livejournal.com! scrama.narod.ru!1 map, new mdl,snd
Opera (The)MYes 35 maps, new dll,tex,mdl,snd
Operation Black ThunderSYeswww.blackthunder.org!50 maps, new dll,tex,mdl,snd
Opposing Life2LifeS/MYes!new dll,tex,mdl,snd
Other WorldS/M/coopYes44 maps, new tex,snd
Other World 2S/M/coopYes8 maps, new snd
OutlawsMYeswww.planethalflife.com! !18 maps, new dll,tex,mdl,snd
OZ DMM serversideYesozdeathmatch.com! www.sparksonline.org! ! www.planethalflife.com! planethalflife.gamespy.com! www.planethalflife.com! !new dll
PaintballMYeshlpbrc.sysrq.tk! tlb.sysrq.tk! www.bloodvayne.com! www.paintball-mod.net!12+ maps, new dll,tex,mdl,snd
PalisadeMYes1 map, new dll,tex,mdl,snd
Perfect DarkMYesperfectdark.gamemod.net! perfectdark.game-mod.net! www.pdarkmod.de.vu!15 maps, new dll,tex,mdl,snd
Poke646SYeswww.poke646.com! www.mindmotorstudios.com!28 maps, new dll,tex,mdl,snd
Public EnemyMYes penemy.planethalflife.gamespy.com! www.ironoak.ch! www.ironoak.ch!9 maps, new dll,tex,mdl,snd
Puppy Years (The)SYeswww.planethalflife.com! www.blendogames.com!8 maps, new dll,tex,mdl,snd
Ragnarok ArenaM sidescrollYeswww.ragnarokarena.com!22 maps, new dll,tex,mdl,snd
Reissues (aka Project Quantam Leap 3)SYes 31 maps, new tex,mdl,snd
Residual LifeSYesblog.naver.com! ! cafe.naver.com!45 maps, new dll,tex,mdl,snd
Residual Point (HL:White Force+HL:Survivor)SYesblog.naver.com!115 maps, new tex,mdl,snd
Rocket CrowbarMYeslglan.net! forum.igromania.ru!8+ maps, new dll,mdl,snd
Rooms - TWHL COOP ProjectSYes! !14 maps, new dll,tex,mdl,snd

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