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NameTypeForStatusMod homepageContentReviews
InstinctSYes10 maps, new tex
InsurgenceMYeswww.insurgence.com! arcadian.host.sk!5 maps, new dll,tex,mdl,snd
InsurrectionSYeswww.homestead.com!14 maps
InteriorSYes1 map
International Online SoccerM+sportYeswww.iosoccer.com! ! !33 maps, new dll,tex,mdl,snd
Interview, stage 1 (The)SYes3dmecca.com!1 map
Into the Frying PanSYes1 map, new tex
Intolerable ThreatSYes28 maps, new mdl,snd
InvasionSYeswww.hl-invasion.fr.st! hlinvasion.free.fr!44 maps, new dll,tex,mdl,snd
Invasion 105SYes!1 map, new dll,tex,mdl,snd
IrrealitySYeswww.half-life.ru!3 maps, new tex,mdl,snd
IspitatelSYeswww.letkyx.com!8 maps, new tex,mdl,snd
Ispitatel 2SYeswww.letkyx.com!15 maps, new dll,tex,mdl,snd
Ispitatel 3 - DemoSYeswww.letkyx.com!8 maps, new dll,tex,mdl,snd
Ispitatel 4: Classic (Испытатель 4: Классика)SYeswww.twenty-one.ru!21 maps, new dll,tex,mdl,snd
Issues (aka Project: Quantum Leap 2) (The)SYesIssues.command-center.org!20 maps, new dll,tex,mdl,snd
IvPBotbotYesivpbot.bots-united.com! www.ivpbot.tk!new dll
IvySYes1 map
J2000SYes1 map
JailbreakSYes4 maps
Jailbreak (Open Source) (OSJB)MYeswww.osjb.com! osjb.org!12-14 maps, new dll,tex,snd
Japanese EpisodesSYes3 maps
Jaykin BaconMYeswww.superfundungeonrun.com! hl2jks.superfundungeonrun.com!15 maps, new dll,tex,mdl,snd
Jedi vs SithMYesdata.forumhoster.com!3 maps, new dll,tex,mdl,snd
JKBottibotYesforums.bots-united.com!new dll

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