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Name | Type | For | Status | Mod homepage | Content | Reviews |
Freeman’s Tomb (The Crypt) | S | | Yes | | 2 maps, new dll | |
Freemans Allegiance 1: White Mesa | S | | Yes | | 1 map | |
Freeman's Escape | S | | Yes | | 1 map | |
Freeman's Escape by JiggZ | S | | Yes | ratm6.free.fr! | 2 maps, new tex | |
Freeman's Fight | S | | Yes | | 14 maps | |
Friendly fire | S | | Yes | | 1 map | |
Friendship (Городок мапперов) | S | | Yes | half-life.ru! | 13 maps, new dll,tex,mdl,snd | |
Func_breakable - THE INVASION | S | | Yes | | 1 map, new tex | |
Funhouse | S | | Yes | ! | 1 map | |
FunkyMixture | M | | Yes | | 3 maps, new dll,mdl,snd | hosting.cecak.cz |
Futuristic Gangster War | M | | Yes | | 2 maps, new dll,tex,mdl,snd | |
GameStar | S | | Yes | www.volny.cz! | 6 maps, new dll | |
Gangsta Wars | M | | Yes | | 19 maps, new dll,tex,mdl,snd | |
GargArena | M | | Yes | www.bwldevelopment.com! friendlygarg.servehalflife.com! | 4 maps, new dll,tex,mdl | |
Gateway (The) | S | | Yes | mhind26.tripod.com! | 16 maps, new mdl,snd | |
Gateway 2 (The) | S | | Yes | www.members.tripod.com! | 10 maps, new tex,mdl,snd | |
Gathering (The) | M | | Yes | planethalflife.gamespy.com! | 5 maps, new dll,tex,mdl,snd | |
Genetic Research Facility | S | | Yes | | 1 map | |
Gentleman's Shooting | M | | Yes | bbs.nashalife.ru! | 1? maps, new dll,tex,mdl,snd | |
Global Warfare | M | | Yes | www.planethalflife.com! | 10 maps, new dll,tex,mdl,snd | |
G-Man House | S | | Yes | | 2 maps, new tex,mdl,snd | |
Gman's Gold - HL Model Pack | modelpack | | Yes | goldpacks.half-lifecreations.com! www.hl-improvement.com! | 0 maps, new mdl,snd | |
Go To Xen Awalk (Xen Walk) | S | | Yes | | 1 map, new tex,snd | |
Goldeneye | M | | Yes | www.goldeneye-mod.net! ! | 10 maps, new dll,tex,mdl,snd | |
Govnomod | S | | Yes | half-life.ru! | 1 map | |