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NameTypeForStatusMod homepageContentReviews
McBethSYes9 maps, new tex,mdl,snd
Meat, blood, gunSYes2 maps
Military AssaultMYeswww.militaryassault.4t.com!4 maps, new dll,tex,mdl,sndhosting.cecak.cz
Marine Invasion episode 1 & 2 (Freak-Lager)S1013/opforYes13 mapstwhl.info
Mission of MercySYeswww.planethalflife.com!7 maps
Mansion (The)SYesmembers.dslextreme.com!3 maps, new tex,snd
Mayhem (Project)MYeswww.studio-mayhem.com!3 maps, new dll,mdl,sndplanethalflife.gamespy.com hosting.cecak.cz
Medieval WorldSYeswww.members.tripod.com!11 maps, new mdl,snd
Mega Man X HLMYes11 maps, new dll,tex,mdl,snd
Mel Soaring 2: Star RancorSYesrender-seed.cjb.net!5 maps
Metal Soldierslooking for this
MigraineSwipnew dll,tex,mdl,snd
Mindless Violence (Viral Intentions)abandonedwww.viralintentions.ndo.co.uk! halflifelibrary.com!
Mini ModMYes8 maps, new dll,mdl
Ministeve: The BeginningSYes!1 map
MisantrophySYeswww.solidnapalm.com! www.k-saz.freeserve.co.uk!5 maps
Mission Impracticable. Part 2SYes7 maps, new dll,tex,mdl,snd
Mission McpokerSYes!3 maps, new mdl,snd
Mistake-1 (preMistake)SYes!11 maps, new tex,mdl,snd
Mistaken Identity part 1SYes3 maps
Mistaken Identity part 2SYes7 maps, new tex
MonkeyStrikeMYeswww.monkeystrike.com! monkeystrike.planethalflife.gamespy.com!12 maps, new dll,tex,mdl,snd
Mortal Kombat ForeverMYes1 map, new dll,tex,mdl,snd
Museum LockdownSYes1 map
MyBmSYes!1 map, new mdl

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