
Command or Variable Name Arguments or Default Category Description
+alt1   developer extra commands for mod authors; not currently used in HL or TFC
+attack   controls fire
+attack2   controls alternate fire (Special Ability Menu in TFC) see special
+back   controls move backward
+break   unknown ?
+camdistance   controls move chase cam away from player (only works if thirdperson activated)
+camin   controls move chase cam in (forward) only works if thirdperson activated
+cammousemove   controls allow mouse motion to control chase cam while held down (only works if thirdperson activated)
+camout   controls move chase cam out (back) only works if thirdperson activated
+campitchdown   controls decrease chase cam pitch (aim down) only works if thirdperson activated
+campitchup   controls increase chase cam pitch (aim up) only works if thirdperson activated
+camyawleft   controls yaw (tilt) chase cam left (only works if thirdperson activated)
+camyawright   controls yaw (tilt) chase cam right (only works if thirdperson activated)
+commandmenu   controls open the command menu
+duck   controls duck (a.k.a. crouch)
+forward   controls move forward
+graph   controls enable net_graph display
+jlook   controls enable joystick-controlled looking around (like +mlook, but with a joystick)
+jump   controls jump
+klook   controls use keyboard to look around (see +mlook, +jlook))
+left   controls turn left
+lookdown   controls look down
+lookup   controls look up
+mlook   controls use mouse to look around
+movedown   controls move down -- as in swim down, fly down, or climb down
+moveleft   controls strafe left
+moveright   controls strafe right
+moveup   controls move up -- as in swim up, fly up, or climb up
+reload   controls reload current weapon
+right   controls turn right
+score   controls show player scores
+showscores   controls show pings and scores for all players on the server
+speed   controls walk if autorun enabled, run if autorun disabled
+strafe   controls strafe modifier, direction keys strafe while this is held down
+use   controls use item (switch, scientist, sentry gun, …)
addip <min> <ipaddr> server adds an ip the server filterban list (0 minutes = permanent)
alias <name> "cmd1; cmd2" scripts define an alias to a command or commands, i.e. alias jumpduck "+moveup; +movedown; wait; -moveup; -movedown"
ambient_fade 100 audio set the distance at which ambient sounds fade away
ambient_level 0.300 audio sets sound level for ambient sounds
appenddemo <demo> demo record a demo, appending to the demo file already at half-life/valve/demo.dem
autosave   prefs enable autosave
banid <min> <uid> [kick] server ban player with id for minutes (0=permanent ban). Add 'kick' after user number to also kick the player off the server. See users, kick, writeid, removeid
bgetmod   server request batch mod status
bgmbuffer 4096 audio set the CD audio buffer size
bgmvolume 0 audio enable CD audio (0 may improve performance) [Flags: a]
bind <key> <"cmd1; cmd2"> scripts make activate one or more command(s) or variable settings, enclosed in quotes and separated by semicolons. Binding a key to any +command also automatically binds the release of that key to the -command (see alias)
bitmapfonts 1 video enable use of bitmap fonts (may be easier to read)
bottomcolor 6 net set the bottom color of your player model [Flags: ai]
brightness 1 video enable glare reduction (try higher values, like 3, for even brighter) [Flags: a]
cam_command 0 prefs enable chase cam commands
cam_contain 0 prefs enable chase cam auto-contain in current room
cam_idealdist 64 prefs set the preferred distance from the player model for the chase cam (only valid if thirdperson activated)
cam_idealpitch 0 prefs set the preferred pitch for the chase cam (only valid if thirdperson activated)
cam_idealyaw 90 prefs set the preferred yaw for the chase cam (only valid if thirdperson activated)
cam_snapto 0 prefs set the preferred snap interval for the chase cam (only valid if thirdperson activated)
cancelselect   scripts cancel selection (i.e. what ESCAPE usually does)
cd   audio control CD audio. 'cd stop' stops play, 'cd loop X' plays track X (1-16 valid)
centerview   controls centers the view
changelevel <map> server load the map specified without disconnecting clients from the server
changelevel2 <map> server load the map specified and continue the current game without disconnecting clients from the server
chase_active 0 prefs enable chase-cam (third-person view, like TombRaider or Hexen 2)
chase_back 100 prefs set the preferred cam distance from the player when backing up
chase_right 0 prefs set the preferred offset to the side for the chase cam
chase_up 16 prefs set the preferred offset up for the chase cam
clear   misc clear the console screen
clientport 27005 net set defail client port (TCP/IP) for connecting to a server (may specify other port with "connect ip:port")
cl_allowdownload 1 net enable download of maps, models, and decals on joining a server [Flags: a]
cl_allowupload 1 net enable upload of maps, models, and decals on joining a server [Flags: a]
cl_allow_download   old replaced by cl_allowdownload
cl_allow_upload   old replaced by cl_allowupload
cl_anglespeedkey 0.670 prefs set the speed that the direction keys (not mouse) change the view angle
cl_backspeed 400 prefs set the player backup speed on a server, up to server max [Flags: a]
cl_bob 0.010 prefs set the amount that your player view bobs while running. Motion-sick types should set this to 0.
cl_bobcycle 0.800 prefs set how frequently player view bobs while running. Motion-sick types should set this to 0.
cl_bobup 0.500 prefs set the the amount of movement before view-bobbing kicks in. Motion-sick types should set this to 0.
cl_clockreset 0.1 unknown ?
cl_cmdbackup 2 unknown ? [Flags: a]
cl_cmdrate 30 net set the number of times per second that the client will update the server. Leave at 30 (or lower) for modems, set to 35-55 for Cable or DSL, 50 for LAN games. [Flags: a]
cl_dlmax 128 net set the maximum number of kilobytes to download from a server [Flags: ai]
cl_download_ingame 1 net enable downloads during a multiplayer game (generally not a good thing -- instead set cl_allow_download 1 and this one to 0 so downloads are between maps only) [Flags: a]
cl_fixtimerate 7.5 net sets the fixed time rate
cl_forwardspeed 400 prefs set the player maximum forward speed. may not exceed server max [Flags: a]
cl_gaitestimation 1 net enable estimated player stepping motion -- disable (0) to decrease apparent "ice skating" and possibly increase lag
cl_gg 0 demo enable Game Gauge mode (gg starts running a demo in gamegauge mode and will report averag FPS at the end
cl_gibcount 4 video sets the number of gibs to spawn when blowing an enemy to bits. lower or 0 may improve FPS [Flags: a]
cl_giblife 25 video sets the time in seconds that gibs remain before disappearing. lower or 0 may improve FPS [Flags: a]
cl_gibvelscale 1 video sets the scale factor for gib graphics. higher may improve FPS [Flags: a]
cl_hightrack 0 net force a spectator on follow mode (tracking a single player) to always track the highest scoring player (thanks Ken).
cl_himodels 0 prefs enable high quality player models. Set to 1 for slightly better quality player models (and slightly lower fps) [Flags: a]
cl_idealpitchscale 0.8 unknown ? [Flags: a]
cl_latency 0 net set client latency value
cl_lb 0 net enable client-side blood splat prediction (if cl_lw is 1). If on, hits may look like misses and vice-versa. [Flags: ai]
cl_lc 1 net enable lag compensation (if server enables with sv_unlag 1) [Flags: ai]
cl_lw 1 net enable client-side (lagless) weapon animations and sounds. If 1, weapons animation and sounds will fire instantly, but the real shot must be acknowledged by the server to happen, so animation/sounds may not match server reality. Leave on (1) if you have lag compensation on (cl_lc 1). [Flags: ai]
cl_messages   prefs displays server messages
cl_movespeedkey 0.300 prefs set movement speed for keyboard movement keys
cl_needinstanced 0 unknown ?
cl_nopred 0 net disable client-side prediction (1 may increase lag)
cl_nosmooth 0 unknown ?
cl_pitchdown 89 prefs set maximum angle that player can look down (in degrees)
cl_pitchspeed 225 prefs set pitch (up and down) change speed
cl_pitchup 89 prefs set maximum angle thaat player can look up (in degrees)
cl_rate 9001.204 net set rate that client will send data to the server in bytes per second (suggested starting values: 1000-4000 modem, 5000-7000 ISDN, 6000-10000 cable/DSL, 7000-20000 T1, 20000+ LAN) -- bad values cause LAG! turn on the r_netgraph 3 to help evaluate different values, and try non-integers like 4001.0528.
cl_resend 6 net set resend count (the number of times to attempt to resend packets)
cl_showerror 0 prefs enable error display
cl_showevents 0 prefs enable event display
cl_showfps 0 video enable FPS display (frames per second)
cl_showmessages 0 prefs enable display of game messages
cl_shownet 0 net enable display of network packet numbers
cl_sidespeed 400 prefs set the manimum player strafing speed (may not exceed server manimum)
cl_slist 10 prefs set the number of servers in the serverlist
cl_smoothtime 0.1 unknown ?
cl_solid_players 1 prefs enable solid player models
cl_spectator_password 0 net set the password for spectator access to a server
cl_timeout 305 net set the inactivity time before a client is disconnected (timed out) [Flags: a]
cl_updaterate 20 net set number of updates client will request from the server each second. In general, the more players in the game, the lower this should be. Lower than 12 will cause choppiness, but 15 may be great for some slow connections. Cable and DSL connections may like 30-40, unless there are too many players on the server. FOr lan games, use 50. [Flags: ai]
cl_upspeed 320 prefs set the player climbing up speed (up to server max)
cl_vsmoothing 0.05 unknown ? [Flags: a]
cl_waterdist 4 prefs set underwater distance
cl_yawspeed 210 prefs set turning speed (with keyoard, up to server max)
cmd <cmd> [arguments] misc formal way for a client to issue a command to the server -- when using the console, the 'cmd' part may be omitted.
cmdline 0 developer display the command-line arguments passed by hl.exe [Flags: sv]
cmdlist   developer print a list of commands to the console (cmdlist log logfile saves the list to c:\logfile); you can specify a mask for the list, such as 'cmdlist a' to list all commands beginning with 'a', etc.
com_filewarning 0 unknown ?
condebug   misc enable console debug mode
condump <filename> misc dump the console to the text file specified
connect <ip> : [port] net connect to a miltiplayer server with ip address and optional
console 1 misc enable console [Flags: a]
contimes <n> developer show n overlay lines (n = 4 to 64)
con_color 255 prefs set console color [Flags: a]
con_notifytime 4 prefs set console message notification time (how long messages stay on screen)
coop 0 net enable cooperative play mode see the coop link on the main page for tips on getting coop working) [Flags: sv]
crosshair 1 prefs enable crosshair [Flags: a]
cr_demoman   server set a TFC class restriction to limit the number of players of the class in the name. 0=unlimited, -1=none of that class allowed [Flags: sv tfc]
cr_engineer   server set a TFC class restriction to limit the number of players of the class in the name. 0=unlimited, -1=none of that class allowed [Flags: sv tfc]
cr_hwguy   server set a TFC class restriction to limit the number of players of the class in the name. 0=unlimited, -1=none of that class allowed [Flags: sv tfc]
cr_medic   server set a TFC class restriction to limit the number of players of the class in the name. 0=unlimited, -1=none of that class allowed [Flags: sv tfc]
cr_pyro   server set a TFC class restriction to limit the number of players of the class in the name. 0=unlimited, -1=none of that class allowed [Flags: sv tfc]
cr_random   server set a TFC class restriction to limit the number of players of the class in the name. 0=unlimited, -1=none of that class allowed [Flags: sv tfc]
cr_scout   server set a TFC class restriction to limit the number of players of the class in the name. 0=unlimited, -1=none of that class allowed [Flags: sv tfc]
cr_sniper   server set a TFC class restriction to limit the number of players of the class in the name. 0=unlimited, -1=none of that class allowed [Flags: sv tfc]
cr_soldier   server set a TFC class restriction to limit the number of players of the class in the name. 0=unlimited, -1=none of that class allowed [Flags: sv tfc]
cr_spy   server set a TFC class restriction to limit the number of players of the class in the name. 0=unlimited, -1=none of that class allowed [Flags: sv tfc]
cvarlist   developer lists all the console variables (cvars) to the console (cvar log filename will send the list to the file c:\filename)
c_maxdistance 200 prefs set chase cam max distance
c_maxpitch 90 prefs set chase cam max pitch
c_maxyaw 135 prefs set chase cam max yaw
c_mindistance 30 prefs set chase cam min distance
c_minpitch 0 prefs set chase cam min pitch
c_minyaw -135 prefs set chase cam min yaw
deathmatch 0 server enable deathmatch mode [Flags: sv]
decalfrequency   server set how frequently clients can spray paint their logo [Flags: sv]
default_fov 90 server set the default Field-Of-View, smaller numbers zoom in, larger numbers zoom out (fish-eye style).
delta_clear   unknown ?
delta_stats   unknown ?
demos   demo runs a loop of demos set with startdemos
developer 0 scripts enable special developer debug console messages and allow 'echo' to print to the game screen, see console help for details
direct 0.900 unknown ?
disconnect   net disconnect from a server or local game
dlfile   unknown ?
dropclient   server drop client from server (disconnect)
dropitems   controls drop the flag (useful for handing it off to a teammate)
d_spriteskip 0 unknown ?
echo "text" scripts print a message to the console. To print to screen: 'developer 1; echo "text"; developer 0'
edgefriction 2 server set friction between players and walls or objects [Flags: sv]
endmovie   demo the commands 'startmovie' and 'endmovie' start and stop recordding to a video stream, that is basically a bunch of bitmap images in a single file. You use the command like this: From the console type in: startmovie then enter a map using the map command from the console. I have had problems starting up the comand while in a map with the current version of half life but not with the origional CD copy. You need to issue the endmoive command to stop it. Note that this takes up a large amount of disk space. Then you need to compile a program called 'mkmovie' in the valve utils from the SDK (see the misc files section), and use this program to extract all the bitmaps from within the single video stream file. Then you use a program such as Adobe Premiere to string them together into an AVI, or mpg if you have the plugins. Be sure to import them such that their duration is only frame. You need a fast computer to do this properly, if not you will get like 15 frames per second, which is fine for most people, and still gets you a useable ingame video stream. If you have a slow pc, be sure to set the avi to 15 frames per second, but if your pc is fast then 24 or 30 frames per second is good too. Thanks to Evan for that info.
entities   developer list currently loaded entities
envmap   developer creates the 6 BMP images for sky boxes from the player's current position. Size is set with gl_envmapsize .
escape   controls same as [ESCAPE] key, hides console, cancels selection, etc.
exec <filename> scripts execute a script file of console commands, often have .cfg or .rc extension, though not required. script files can include any console commands and variable settings, see console help for details
exit   misc quit game or server to windows without confirmation
ex_correct 0 unknown ?
ex_diminishextrap 0 unknown ?
ex_extrapmax 1.2 unknown ?
ex_interp 0.1 unknown ?
ex_maxaccel 2000 unknown ?
ex_maxerrordistance 64 unknown ?
ex_maxspeed 750 unknown ?
ex_minvelocity 0 unknown ?
fakelag 0 net simulates lag, higher values are laggier
fakeloss 0 net simulates packet loss, higher values are more lossy
firstperson   prefs enable first-person view (see thirdperson, chase_cam)
flush   developer flush memory and reload
fly   cheats One would think this would enable flying, but noclip does insstead. See the cheats page for details.
ForceCloseCommand   unknown ?
force_centerview   controls snaps player view to straight ahead
fov 90 controls set the field-of-vision size. Smaller numbers zoom in, larger numbers zoom out, valid range is 1-179.
fps_lan   old replaced by fps_max
fps_max 72 video set the maximum number of frames per second that the game will try to render. Similar to the old fps_modem, but no longer affects network lag.
fps_modem   old replaced by fps_max
fps_single   old replaced by fps_max
fullinfo <complete info string> server enable verbose user information display
fullserverinfo   server enable verbose server information display
gamedir   developer set game base directory
gamma 3 video set video gamma level [Flags: a]
getcertificate   net authenticates your cd key (by checking it with won.net) without joining a server
gg <demoname> demo run Game Gauge benchmark using demoname if cl_gg = 1
give   cheats spawn a weapon, item, or character. See the cheats page for details.
gl_affinemodels 0 video makes my screen go crazy (Voodo2)
gl_alphamin 0.250 video set minimum alpha blending level
gl_clear 0 video makes cracks between textures visible when 1
gl_cull 1 video enable rendering of visible objects only (0 will slow fps)
gl_d3dflip 0 video enable reversed rendering order for D3D video mode
gl_dither 1 video enable dithering [Flags: a]
gl_dump   video dump data about video card: vendor, renderer, version, entensions
gl_flipmatrix 0 video enable special crosshair fix when using the 3DNow! 3DFX MiniGL (3dfxglam.dll) [Flags: a]
gl_keeptjunctions 1 video enable allowing slight cracks between textures, setting to 1 may look better on some video cards, but will be a bit slower (fewer fps)
gl_lightholes 1 video enable light holes (0 may improve perfomance)
gl_log <logfile> video writes graphic debug messages to logfile
gl_max_size 256 video set the maximum texture size (higher may look better, but may slow performance if set too high)
gl_monolights 0 video creates a uniform light source with no shadows (OpenGL only) [Flags: a]
gl_nobind 0 video enable replacing textures with bizarre alphanumeric characters (trippy)
gl_nocolors 0 video disable colors (OpenGL only)
gl_overbright 1 video enable maximum brightness mode [Flags: a]
gl_palette_tex 1 video enable paletted textures
gl_picmip 0 video set rendering quality (0,1,2, higher is faster and lower quality) see gl_playermip, gl_texturemode
gl_playermip 0 video set player rendering quality (0,1,2, higher is faster and lower quality) see gl_playermip, gl_texturemode
gl_polyoffset 4 video set polygon offset -- try larger values for flickering decal or texture problems [Flags: a]
gl_reporttjunctions 0 video enable T-junction reporting to console, see gl_keeptjunctions
gl_round_down 3 video set texture size rounding-down value (higher rounds more, resulting in lower quality and higher FPS)
gl_smoothmodels 1 video enable model smoothing. Disabling (0) may increase fps a bit
gl_spriteblend 1 video enable blending sprite graphics
gl_texels   video report the number of texesl uploaded to the video card
gl_texsort 0 video enables brighter and more vivid textures, but slows performance
gl_texturemode [type] video set the rendering mode: in order from lowest quality (fastest) to highest quality (slowest), [type] options are: GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST, GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST, GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR, GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR. Think of the 1st two as low and high quality for hardware that supports bilinear filetering, and the 2nd two as low and high quality for hardware that supports trilinear filtering.
gl_wateramp 0 video enable amplified (higher) waves in water. 1 may decrease FPS (see sv_wateramp)
gl_zmax 4096 video set max size for zbuffer
gl_ztrick 1 video speeds up renndering on some 3dfx cards (and maybe others), but may cause flickering on some video cards
god   cheats toggle god mode (invincibility). See the cheats page for details.
graphheight 64 net set height of r_netgraph/net_graph display
heartbeat   server send a heartbeat signal to the master server (set setmaster)
hideconsole   controls hide the console
hisound 0 audio enable high-quality sound (1=22kHz, 0=11kHz) see also loadas8bit (0 may improve performance) [Flags: a]
HostMap 0 unknown
hostname <name> server set server hostname (the name that will appear in server browser lists, if setmaster is set)
hostport 0 server set host connection port
host_framerate 0 demo set the speed that host and server interact with the game.
host_limitlocal 0 unknown ?
host_profile 0 unknown ?
host_speeds 0 video enable display of current FPS on-screen
hpkextract <name> [all|1 idx] developer extract files from hpk file (opts = [all | single index])
hpklist <hpkname> developer list files in hpk file
hpkremove <name> <index> developer remove file from hpkfile
hpkval <hpkname> developer display checksum value for hpk file
hud_capturemouse 1 prefs enable locking mouse pointer to menu area when menu activated [Flags: a]
hud_centerid 0 prefs enable center screen display of player ID names (instead of lower-left corner) [Flags: a]
hud_classautokill 1 prefs enable auto-suicide on class changes [Flags: a]
hud_deathnotice_time 6 prefs set how long death messages remain onscreen
hud_drawhistory_time 5 prefs set how long HUD item icons remain onscreen
hud_fastswitch 1 prefs enable fast weapon switching (0 is HL-style, where you must press fire after picking a weapon before it is activated) [Flags: a]
hud_saytext_time 5 prefs set how long chat messages remain onscreen
hud_takesshots 0 prefs enable screen shot saving at the end of all games [Flags: a]
impulse 100 controls enable flashlight
interp   video enable frame interpolation
invnext   controls select next item in inventory
invprev 0 controls select previous item in inventory
ip 0 server echo server ip
ipx_clientport 0 net set client port for IPX LAN game
ipx_hostport 0 server set host port for IPX LAN game
ip_clientport 0 net set client port for TCP/IPLAN game
ip_hostport 0 server set host port for TCP/IP LAN game
joyadvanced 0 joystick set to 1 before changing any advanced joystick variables, then call joyadvancedupdate to activate changes
joyadvancedupdate   joystick enable advanced joystick settings (use after setting joyadvanced 1 and making any variable changes desired)
joyadvaxisr 0 joystick set mapping of DirectInput axis R (typically joystick rudder) -- not used. Valid values: 0 = Axis not used, 1 = Axis is for forward and backward movement, 2 = Axis is for looking up and down (pitch), 3 = Axis is for side to side movement, 4 = Axis is for turning left and right (yaw). Additionally, each axis can be designated as an absolute axis (like a joystick) or a relative axis (like the FPgaming trackball or the WingMan Warrior SpinControl). Absolute axes are defined as having a stopping position whereas relative axes don't have a stopping position and just go around and around. To designate an axis as a relative axis, add 16 to the above control number. For example, to set the Assassin 3D's axis U to be looking left and right, type 'joyadvaxisu 20'. As another example, to make your rudder pedals control turning left and right, type 'joyadvaxisr 4'.
joyadvaxisu 0 joystick set mapping of DirectInput axis U (custom axis - Assassin 3D trackball left and right, WingMan Warrior SpinControl and SpaceOrb roll). Sets the Assassin 3D to relative turning left and right. (Not self centering). Valid values: 0 = Axis not used, 1 = Axis is for forward and backward movement, 2 = Axis is for looking up and down (pitch), 3 = Axis is for side to side movement, 4 = Axis is for turning left and right (yaw). Additionally, each axis can be designated as an absolute axis (like a joystick) or a relative axis (like the FPgaming trackball or the WingMan Warrior SpinControl). Absolute axes are defined as having a stopping position whereas relative axes don't have a stopping position and just go around and around. To designate an axis as a relative axis, add 16 to the above control number. For example, to set the Assassin 3D's axis U to be looking left and right, type 'joyadvaxisu 20'. As another example, to make your rudder pedals control turning left and right, type 'joyadvaxisr 4'.
joyadvaxisv 0 joystick set mapping of DirectInput axis V (custom axis - Assassin 3D trackball forward and backward and SpaceOrb yaw). Sets the Assassin 3D to relative free-look up and down. (Not self centering). Valid values: 0 = Axis not used, 1 = Axis is for forward and backward movement, 2 = Axis is for looking up and down (pitch), 3 = Axis is for side to side movement, 4 = Axis is for turning left and right (yaw). Additionally, each axis can be designated as an absolute axis (like a joystick) or a relative axis (like the FPgaming trackball or the WingMan Warrior SpinControl). Absolute axes are defined as having a stopping position whereas relative axes don't have a stopping position and just go around and around. To designate an axis as a relative axis, add 16 to the above control number. For example, to set the Assassin 3D's axis U to be looking left and right, type 'joyadvaxisu 20'. As another example, to make your rudder pedals control turning left and right, type 'joyadvaxisr 4'.
joyadvaxisx 0 joystick set mapping of DirectInput axis X (typically joystick left and right); allows joystick to turn. Valid values: 0 = Axis not used, 1 = Axis is for forward and backward movement, 2 = Axis is for looking up and down (pitch), 3 = Axis is for side to side movement, 4 = Axis is for turning left and right (yaw). Additionally, each axis can be designated as an absolute axis (like a joystick) or a relative axis (like the FPgaming trackball or the WingMan Warrior SpinControl). Absolute axes are defined as having a stopping position whereas relative axes don't have a stopping position and just go around and around. To designate an axis as a relative axis, add 16 to the above control number. For example, to set the Assassin 3D's axis U to be looking left and right, type 'joyadvaxisu 20'. As another example, to make your rudder pedals control turning left and right, type 'joyadvaxisr 4'.
joyadvaxisy 0 joystick set mapping of DirectInput axis Y (typically joystick forward and backward). Allows the joystick to move forward and backward. Valid values: 0 = Axis not used, 1 = Axis is for forward and backward movement, 2 = Axis is for looking up and down (pitch), 3 = Axis is for side to side movement, 4 = Axis is for turning left and right (yaw). Additionally, each axis can be designated as an absolute axis (like a joystick) or a relative axis (like the FPgaming trackball or the WingMan Warrior SpinControl). Absolute axes are defined as having a stopping position whereas relative axes don't have a stopping position and just go around and around. To designate an axis as a relative axis, add 16 to the above control number. For example, to set the Assassin 3D's axis U to be looking left and right, type 'joyadvaxisu 20'. As another example, to make your rudder pedals control turning left and right, type 'joyadvaxisr 4'.
joyadvaxisz 0 joystick mapping of DirectInput axis Z (typically joystick throttle). Not used.
joyforwardsensitivity -1 joystick set the ramp-up speed or how much joystick movement is required for moving "full speed" forward and backward (negative numbers invert directions)
joyforwardthreshold 0.150 joystick set the dead-zone for moving forward and backward (If you have problems with your character moving forward or back when trying to stop or strafe, increase this number to .20)
joyname 0 joystick set joystick name
joypitchsensitivity 1 joystick set the speed or ratio used when you look up and down using the Assassin 3D (negative numbers invert directions)
joypitchthreshold 0.150 joystick set the dead-zone for looking up and down (If you have problems with your character looking up or down when trying to stop or strafe, increase this number to .20)
joysidesensitivity -1 joystick set the ramp-up speed or how much joystick movement is required for moving "full speed" side to side (negative numbers invert directions)
joysidethreshold 0.150 joystick set the dead-zone for moving side to side (If you have problems with your character moving sideways when trying to stop or walk along a ledge, increase this number to .20)
joystick 0 joystick disable joystick (0 may give you a slight performance boost) [Flags: a]
joywwhack1 0 joystick set to 1 for Logitech WingMan Warrior, maybe for other models also
joywwhack2 0 joystick set to 1 for Logitech WingMan Warrior, maybe for other models also
joyyawsensitivity -1 joystick set the speed that or ratio used when you look left to right using the Assassin 3D (negative numbers invert directions)
joyyawthreshold 0.150 joystick set the dead-zone for looking right and left (If you have problems with your character turning when trying to stop or strafe, increase this number to .20)
kick <name or userid or uniqueid> server kick player from a server (server console or rcon only), Use the 'users' command to get a list of userid's and uniqueid's. See kick, banid, writeid, removeid.
kill   controls suicide
lambert 1.500 unknown sets the player model shading value. -1.01 used to make players brighter. No longer has any effect.
lcd_x 0 video screws up my screen
lcd_yaw 0 video screws up my screen
lightgamma 2.500 video set lighting gamma value
list   net lists local servers found by slist command
listdemo <demoname> demo list info on demo file
listid   server list id numbers
listip   server list ip addresses in the filter ban list
load <name> misc load a saved game
loadas8bit 0 audio set to 1 to force 8-bit (lower quality) sounds (see hisound also)
localinfo   server show local info settings
log   server enable/disable logging (put 'log on' in autoexex.cfg, NOT server.cfg)
logaddress <ip> <port> server set address for logfile (to log to a remote machine)
lookspring 0 mouse enable automatic view centering when +mlook is deactivated [Flags: a]
lookstrafe 0 mouse enable mouse strafing when +mlook is deactivated [Flags: a]
lservercfgfile   server set listen server config file (default is listenserver.cfg)
map <mapname> server change to map half-life\tfc\mapname.bsp (.bsp not required) -- will disconnect any clients on the server, see changelevel and changelevel2 to change maps without disconnecting clients
mapcyclefile   server specifies the name of the list of maps to cycle through on a server, default is mapcycle.txt
maps <substring> server list maps containing substring, * lists all
maxplayers   server set maximum number of clients allowed to connect to the server
mcache   developer list model cache contents
messagemode   controls prompt for a chat message to send to all clients connected to the server
messagemode2   controls prompt for a chat message to send to your teammates only
model 0 prefs If modelname is unspecified, this will display the current player model name. To change your player model, specify the name of a folder in Valve/models/player that contains a .mdl file. To view the model, start a multiplayer game and type chase_active 1. [Flags: ai]
motd   server display the message of the day (motd.txt) for the current server
mp_allowmonsters   server enable monsters in multiplayer mode (bots) [Flags: sv]
mp_autocrosshair   server enable aiming assistance for clients [Flags: sv]
mp_consistency 1 unknown ? [Flags: sv]
mp_decals 2000 server set max number of decals to display in multiplayer (set lower for perfomance boost, but blast marks and logos will disappear sooner) [Flags: a]
mp_defaultteam   unknown ?
mp_falldamage   server enable realistic falling damage [Flags: sv]
mp_flashlight   server enable flashlights for clients [Flags: sv]
mp_footsteps 1 server enable footstep sounds [Flags: sv]
mp_forcerespawn   server enable automatic forced respawns for players [Flags: sv]
mp_fraglimit   server set the number of frags (by any single player) between map changes, see timelimit [Flags: sv]
mp_friendlyfire   server enable friendly fire in teamplay mode (mp_teamplay) [Flags: sv]
mp_logecho 1 server enable logging of echo commands
mp_logfile 1 server enable logging during multiplayer [Flags: sv]
mp_teamlist   server ? [Flags: sv]
mp_teamoverride   unknown ?
mp_teamplay   server set teamplay mode flags -- set this variable to the sum of the numbers by the options you want enabled: 1=teamplay on (always set this for teamplay mode), 2=half-damage friendly-fire, 4=no damage friendly-fire, 8=half-damage friendly explosive, 16=no friendly explosive damage, 128=half-damage armor friendly-fire, 256=no damage to armor from friendly-fire, 512=half-damage armor friendly explosive, 1024=no damage to armor from friendly explosive, 2048=YOU take half damage from hitting Teammate with direct weaponfire, 4096=YOU take no damage from hitting Teammate with direct weaponfire, 8192=YOU take half damage from hitting Teammate with explosive weaponfire, 16384=YOU take no damage from hitting Teammate with explosive weaponfire, 32768=YOUR armor takes half damage from hitting Teammate with direct weaponfire, 65536=YOUR armor takes no damage from hitting Teammate with direct weaponfire, 131072=YOUR armor takes half damage from hitting Teammate with explosive weaponfire, 262144=YOUR armor takes no damage from hitting Teammate with explosive weaponfire.

A common setting used to deter spamming is 1 + 4 + 16 + 256 + 1024 + 2048 + 8192 + 32768 + 131072 = 175381 [Flags: sv]
mp_timelimit   server set the time (in minutes) between map changes, see fraglimit [Flags: sv]
mp_weaponstay   server enable permanent weapons [Flags: sv]
m_filter 0 mouse enable mouse filtering (smoothing) [Flags: a]
m_forward 1 mouse set mouse forward speed sensitivity multiplier [Flags: a]
m_pitch -0.022 mouse set mouse pitch (up and down motion) speed sensitivity multiplier. Note that NEGATIVE values result in an inverted mouse (moving mouse forward looks down), while positive values result in a non-inverted mouse (moving mouse forward looks up) [Flags: a]
m_side 0.800 mouse set mouse strafing speed sensitivity multiplier [Flags: a]
m_yaw 0.022 mouse set mouse yaw speed sensitivity multiplier [Flags: a]
name 0 net set client player name [Flags: ai]
net_address 0 net ?
net_chokeloop 0 net ?
net_drawslider 0 net ?
net_graph 0 net enables network condition graph that shows FPS, network latency, incoming server update rate, incoming bandwidth, outgoing bandwidth, and a running graph of ping (which is network latency plus delays caused by video rendering). Turn on the net_graph and try different values for the tweaking variables to find the best settings for your system and network conditions. Be sure to turn it back off since it will lower FPS some. [Flags: a]
net_graphpos 1 net set position of network graph (if net_graph 1). 1=bottom right, 2=bottom center, 3=bottom left [Flags: a]
net_graphsolid 1 net enable solid graph if net_graph 1 [Flags: a]
net_graphwidth 192 net set net_graph width [Flags: a]
net_scale 5 net set net_graph vertical scale [Flags: a]
net_showdrop 0 net enable display of dropped network packets
net_showpackets 0 net enable network packet display
new   developer internal command used to start a new game
noclip   cheats toggles clipping mode. when clipping disabled (noclip active), you can walk through walls and fly. See the cheats page for details.
nosound 0 audio disable sounds (1 will make the game silent)
notarget   cheats toggle notarget mode where enemies ignore the player. See the cheats page for details.
password 0 server set private server password (0 = public server, anyone can join) [Flags: i]
path   server display current search path for game files
pausable 1 server enable whether or not clients can pause server game [Flags: sv]
pause   controls pause game
ping   server display name and ping of all clients connected to the server
pingservers   net display pings of servers in the serverlist
play <filename> scripts play a WAV audio file designated by filename
playdemo <filename> demo play the demo in file Half-Life/valve/filename.dem at normal speed (use timedemo to play at max fps and report average fps).
playvol   demo set demo playback volume
pointfile <filename> developer try to load maps\filename.pts
port 27015 net set the default connect port
ppdemostart   unknown ?
precache 1 prefs enable pre-loading of all needed files at map start (1 may help skipping/stoppoing problems)
ptrack   unknown crash the computer (well, mine at least)
pushlatency -50 net set pushlatency (try around -1/2 to -1 times ping) -- some people say using non-integer values (like -100.0521) reduces lag [Flags: a]
quit   misc exit to windows without confirmation
rate 9001.204 old replaced by cl_rate
rcon <password> "commands" server remote console operation of a server. "commands" can be any console commands or variable settings. is required if the server password variable is set to anything except 0, unless client password variable is set to the same value
rcon_address 0 server set remote console ip address
rcon_password 0 server set password for remote console operation
rcon_port 0 server set remote console port
reconnect   net reconnect to the current server
record <filename> demo starts recording demo to Half-Live\valve\filename.dem, see stop
reload   server reload current map
removedemo <demo> <segmt> demo remove segment from a demo
removeid <userid or uniqueid> server Un-ban a user (remove the id from the ban list). See users, kick, banid, writeid, removeid
removeip   server remove ip from filterban list
restart   server restarts the current multiplayer map (remove decals, blood, bulletholes, scores, etc.)
retry   net try reconnecting to the last server four more times (after four failed attempts)
room_delay 0 audio 3D sound setting
room_dlylp 2 audio 3D sound setting
room_feedback 0.520 audio 3D sound setting
room_left 0.010 audio 3D sound setting
room_lp 0 audio 3D sound setting
room_mod 0 audio 3D sound setting
room_off 0 audio 3D sound setting
room_refl 0.900 audio 3D sound setting
room_rvblp 1 audio 3D sound setting
room_size 0.060 audio 3D sound setting
room_type 18 audio 3D sound setting
r_bmodelhighfrac   unknown ? [Flags: a]
r_bmodelinterp   unknown ?
r_cachestudio   unknown ?
r_decals 4096 prefs set max number of blast mark decals in single-player (lower number will improves perfomance some, but decals wil disappear sooner)
r_drawentities 1 developer enable rendering of entities: 0=no entities, 1=normal entities, 2=no textures, 3=hitbox only, 4=translucent hitboxes
r_drawviewmodel 1 prefs enable drawing player weapon model (off improves perfomance a bit)
r_dynamic 1 prefs enable dynamic lighting -- the light reflections glowing objects make on other objects nearby, such as rockets and the flashlight (0 may improve fps)
r_fullbright 0 prefs enable max brightness, local game only
r_glowshellfreq 2.200 prefs set the frequency of shimmering on glowing shells around flags and keys
r_lightmap 0 developer Software rendering mode only -- display only one of the four possible lightmaps (valid values are 0, 1, 2, 3). Useful for viewing range of switched lights
r_mirroralpha 1 video enable reflective textures (0 may improve performance)
r_mmx 1 prefs force MMX calculation methods for MMX CPU's (set to 1 if your CPU supports MMX! Any p2 does, as do most newer AMD and Cyrix chips. If using 1 reduces perfomance, set back to 0)
r_netgraph   old replaced by net_graph
r_norefresh 0 prefs enable clearing hud and console before redrawing
r_novis 0 prefs enable drawing underwater polygons (must be 1 for r_wateralpha to work)
r_shadows 0 prefs enable player shadows (decreases performance and doesn't look that great)
r_speeds 0 prefs enable display of average fps, draw speed, and polygon info (use to see running FPS info)
r_traceglow 0 prefs enable inclusion of monsters in glow sprite occlusion checking (1 will decrease perfomance)
r_wadtextures 0 unknown ?
r_wateralpha 1 prefs enable alpha blending underwater (r_novis muse be 1 for this to work)
save <name> misc save the current game (1p only), see load
say "text" scripts echo text to the screen of all players. A percent sign followed by A, H, or I in the text will be replaced by your player's current Armor, Health, and ID'd player, respectively. For example: say "I have %A armor, %H health, and am staring at player %I" will look like "I have 45 armor, 97 health, and am staring at player CoolGuy".
say_team "text" scripts echo text to the screen of team members only. A percent sign followed by A, H, or I in the text will be replaced by your player's current Armor, Health, and ID'd player, respectively. For example: say "I have %A armor, %H health, and am staring at player %I" will look like "I have 45 armor, 97 health, and am staring at player CoolGuy".
screenshot   misc capture the current screen and save to disk
scr_centertime 2 prefs set how long server messages remain on screen
scr_connectmsg 0 scripts display "msg" in lower left of screen -- use "" for "msg" to clear
scr_connectmsg1 0 scripts display "msg" in lower left of screen -- use "" for "msg" to clear
scr_connectmsg2 0 scripts display "msg" in lower left of screen -- use "" for "msg" to clear
scr_conspeed 600 prefs set the console scroll speed (try 3000 to make it nearly instant)
scr_ofsx 0 scripts set screen message x-offset
scr_ofsy 0 scripts set screen message y-offset
scr_ofsz 0 scripts set screen message z-offset
scr_printspeed 8 scripts set screen message print speed
sendents   unknown ?
sensitivity 3 mouse set mouse sensitivity [Flags: a]
servercfgfile   server set server .cfg file (default is server.cfg)
serverinfo   server display server information (variables flagged sv)
setdemoinfo <demo> <segmt> info demo add info to demo: info = title "text", play tracknum, fade <IN|OUT><FAST|SLOW>
setinfo   server display model name, color settings, name, rate, and model crc
setmaster <ip or hostname> server set the master server (server list manager) for the server, see heartbeat
showinfo   net enable display of all packets
showpause 1 developer enable pause graphic display
showram 0 developer enable display of available RAM
shutdownserver   server shut down the server
sizedown   video decrease screen size (will increase FPS, won't work on all video cards)
sizeup   video increase screen size (will decrease FPS, won't work on all video cards)
skill 3 misc set the skill level (single player, coop)
skin 0 prefs set model skin (anyone know how to put more than one skin in a .mdl file so we can use this?) [Flags: ai]
sk_12mm_bullet1   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_12mm_bullet2   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_12mm_bullet3   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_9mmAR_bullet1   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_9mmAR_bullet2   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_9mmAR_bullet3   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_9mm_bullet1   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_9mm_bullet2   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_9mm_bullet3   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_agrunt_dmg_punch1   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_agrunt_dmg_punch2   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_agrunt_dmg_punch3   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_agrunt_health1   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_agrunt_health2   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_agrunt_health3   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_apache_health1   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_apache_health2   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_apache_health3   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_barney_health1   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_barney_health2   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_barney_health3   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_battery1   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_battery2   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_battery3   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_bigmomma_dmg_blast1   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_bigmomma_dmg_blast2   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_bigmomma_dmg_blast3   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_bigmomma_dmg_slash1   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_bigmomma_dmg_slash2   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_bigmomma_dmg_slash3   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_bigmomma_health_factor1   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_bigmomma_health_factor2   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_bigmomma_health_factor3   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_bigmomma_radius_blast1   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_bigmomma_radius_blast2   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_bigmomma_radius_blast3   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_bullsquid_dmg_bite1   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_bullsquid_dmg_bite2   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_bullsquid_dmg_bite3   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_bullsquid_dmg_spit1   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_bullsquid_dmg_spit2   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_bullsquid_dmg_spit3   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_bullsquid_dmg_whip1   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_bullsquid_dmg_whip2   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_bullsquid_dmg_whip3   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_bullsquid_health1   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_bullsquid_health2   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_bullsquid_health3   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_controller_dmgball1   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_controller_dmgball2   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_controller_dmgball3   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_controller_dmgzap1   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_controller_dmgzap2   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_controller_dmgzap3   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_controller_health1   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_controller_health2   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_controller_health3   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_controller_speedball1   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_controller_speedball2   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_controller_speedball3   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_gargantua_dmg_fire1   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_gargantua_dmg_fire2   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_gargantua_dmg_fire3   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_gargantua_dmg_slash1   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_gargantua_dmg_slash2   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_gargantua_dmg_slash3   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_gargantua_dmg_stomp1   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_gargantua_dmg_stomp2   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_gargantua_dmg_stomp3   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_gargantua_health1   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_gargantua_health2   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_gargantua_health3   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_hassassin_health1   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_hassassin_health2   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_hassassin_health3   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_headcrab_dmg_bite1   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_headcrab_dmg_bite2   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_headcrab_dmg_bite3   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_headcrab_health1   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_headcrab_health2   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_headcrab_health3   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_healthcharger1   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_healthcharger2   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_healthcharger3   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_healthkit1   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_healthkit2   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_healthkit3   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_hgrunt_gspeed1   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_hgrunt_gspeed2   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_hgrunt_gspeed3   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_hgrunt_health1   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_hgrunt_health2   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_hgrunt_health3   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_hgrunt_kick1   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_hgrunt_kick2   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_hgrunt_kick3   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_hgrunt_pellets1   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_hgrunt_pellets2   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_hgrunt_pellets3   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_hornet_dmg1   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_hornet_dmg2   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_hornet_dmg3   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_houndeye_dmg_blast1   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_houndeye_dmg_blast2   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_houndeye_dmg_blast3   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_houndeye_health1   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_houndeye_health2   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_houndeye_health3   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_ichthyosaur_health1   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_ichthyosaur_health2   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_ichthyosaur_health3   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_ichthyosaur_shake1   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_ichthyosaur_shake2   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_ichthyosaur_shake3   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_islave_dmg_claw1   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_islave_dmg_claw2   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_islave_dmg_claw3   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_islave_dmg_clawrake1   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_islave_dmg_clawrake2   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_islave_dmg_clawrake3   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_islave_dmg_zap1   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_islave_dmg_zap2   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_islave_dmg_zap3   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_islave_health1   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_islave_health2   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_islave_health3   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_leech_dmg_bite1   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_leech_dmg_bite2   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_leech_dmg_bite3   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_leech_health1   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_leech_health2   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_leech_health3   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_miniturret_health1   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_miniturret_health2   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_miniturret_health3   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_monster_arm1   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_monster_arm2   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_monster_arm3   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_monster_chest1   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_monster_chest2   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_monster_chest3   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_monster_head1   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_monster_head2   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_monster_head3   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_monster_leg1   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_monster_leg2   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_monster_leg3   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_monster_stomach1   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_monster_stomach2   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_monster_stomach3   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_nihilanth_health1   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_nihilanth_health2   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_nihilanth_health3   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_nihilanth_zap1   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_nihilanth_zap2   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_nihilanth_zap3   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_player_arm1   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_player_arm2   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_player_arm3   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_player_chest1   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_player_chest2   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_player_chest3   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_player_head1   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_player_head2   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_player_head3   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_player_leg1   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_player_leg2   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_player_leg3   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_player_stomach1   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_player_stomach2   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_player_stomach3   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_plr_357_bullet1   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_plr_357_bullet2   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_plr_357_bullet3   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_plr_9mmAR_bullet1   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_plr_9mmAR_bullet2   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_plr_9mmAR_bullet3   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_plr_9mmAR_grenade1   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_plr_9mmAR_grenade2   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_plr_9mmAR_grenade3   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_plr_9mm_bullet1   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_plr_9mm_bullet2   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_plr_9mm_bullet3   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_plr_buckshot1   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_plr_buckshot2   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_plr_buckshot3   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_plr_crowbar1   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_plr_crowbar2   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_plr_crowbar3   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_plr_egon_narrow1   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_plr_egon_narrow2   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_plr_egon_narrow3   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_plr_egon_wide1   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_plr_egon_wide2   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_plr_egon_wide3   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_plr_gauss1   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_plr_gauss2   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_plr_gauss3   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_plr_hand_grenade1   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_plr_hand_grenade2   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_plr_hand_grenade3   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_plr_rpg1   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_plr_rpg2   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_plr_rpg3   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_plr_satchel1   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_plr_satchel2   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_plr_satchel3   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_plr_tripmine1   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_plr_tripmine2   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_plr_tripmine3   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_plr_xbow_bolt_client1   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_plr_xbow_bolt_client2   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_plr_xbow_bolt_client3   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_plr_xbow_bolt_monster1   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_plr_xbow_bolt_monster2   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_plr_xbow_bolt_monster3   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_scientist_heal1   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_scientist_heal2   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_scientist_heal3   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_scientist_health1   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_scientist_health2   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_scientist_health3   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_sentry_health1   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_sentry_health2   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_sentry_health3   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_snark_dmg_bite1   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_snark_dmg_bite2   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_snark_dmg_bite3   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_snark_dmg_pop1   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_snark_dmg_pop2   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_snark_dmg_pop3   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_snark_health1   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_snark_health2   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_snark_health3   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_suitcharger1   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_suitcharger2   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_suitcharger3   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_turret_health1   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_turret_health2   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_turret_health3   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_zombie_dmg_both_slash1   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_zombie_dmg_both_slash2   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_zombie_dmg_both_slash3   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_zombie_dmg_one_slash1   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_zombie_dmg_one_slash2   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_zombie_dmg_one_slash3   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_zombie_health1   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_zombie_health2   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
sk_zombie_health3   developer set single-player game parameter, such as damage done by a certain weapon or attacks by a certain monster (1, 2, or 3 indicates difficulty level) [Flags: 1p]
slist   net search for local servers, store in serverlist
slot1   controls select weapon group 1 (or menu item 1) see use
slot10   controls select weapon group 10 (or menu item 10) see use
slot2   controls select weapon group 2 (or menu item 2) see use
slot3   controls select weapon group 3 (or menu item 3) see use
slot4   controls select weapon group 4 (or menu item 4) see use
slot5   controls select weapon group 5 (or menu item 5) see use
slot6   controls select weapon group 6 (or menu item 6) see use
slot7   controls select weapon group 7 (or menu item 7) see use
slot8   controls select weapon group 8 (or menu item 8) see use
slot9   controls select weapon group 9 (or menu item 9) see use
snapshot   misc capture screenshot and save to disk
snapto   unknown ?
snd_noextraupdate 0 audio disable 'extra' sound system updates -- only try 1 if you have sound problems
snd_show 0 audio enable display of sounds as they are played
soundfade <params> audio set sound fade properties (params = <%>[])
soundinfo   audio display number of: stereo channels, samples, samplebits, speed, DMA, and sound channels
soundlist   audio display list of all loaded sounds
spawn   developer internal command; not valid from console
speak <word> misc say something over the intercom (see console help for the 622 available words), to use in an alias, surround in quotes with no spaces: alias count "speak one,two,three_comma,four,five,six,_period"
special   controls displays the "special" menu for a class, like +attack2 but lag-resistant (choose menu item with 'menuselect X')
spectator 0 controls enter spectator mode if enabled [Flags: i]
spk   unknown ?
startdemos   demo start playing demos in a loop, see demos
startmovie <file> demo the commands 'startmovie' and 'endmovie' start and stop recordding to a video stream, that is basically a bunch of bitmap images in a single file. You use the command like this: From the console type in: startmovie then enter a map using the map command from the console. I have had problems starting up the comand while in a map with the current version of half life but not with the origional CD copy. You need to issue the endmoive command to stop it. Note that this takes up a large amount of disk space. Then you need to compile a program called 'mkmovie' in the valve utils from the SDK (see the misc files section), and use this program to extract all the bitmaps from within the single video stream file. Then you use a program such as Adobe Premiere to string them together into an AVI, or mpg if you have the plugins. Be sure to import them such that their duration is only frame. You need a fast computer to do this properly, if not you will get like 15 frames per second, which is fine for most people, and still gets you a useable ingame video stream. If you have a slow pc, be sure to set the avi to 15 frames per second, but if your pc is fast then 24 or 30 frames per second is good too. Thanks to Evan for that info.
status   server for each client list: user#, frags, name, frame rate, frame latency, ping, drop %
stop   demo stops recording a demo, see record
stopdemo   demo stop playing a demo
stopsound   audio stop playing current sound
stuffcmds   developer used to initialize client console commands from server
suitvolume 0.250 audio set HEV suit volume [Flags: a]
sv_accelerate 10 server set player acceleration [Flags: sv]
sv_aim 0 server enable aiming assistance for clients [Flags: asv]
sv_airaccelerate 10 server set in-air acceleration for a server (higher makes it easier to move while flying through the air or jumping, Mario Brothers - style) [Flags: sv]
sv_airmove 1 server enable clients ability to move in air [Flags: sv]
sv_allowdownload 1 server enable allowing clients to download maps and decals
sv_allowupload 1 server enable allowing clients to upload maps and decals
sv_allow_download   old replaced by sv_allowdownload
sv_allow_upload   old replaced by sv_allowupload
sv_bounce 1 server enable bounce pads [Flags: sv]
sv_challengetime 15 server set time to allow clients to complete connection
sv_cheats 1 server enable cheats [Flags: sv]
sv_clienttrace 1 server set client bounding box size (for collisions, not clipping) [Flags: sv]
sv_clipmode 0 server set client clipping mode [Flags: sv]
sv_contact 0 unknown ? [Flags: sv]
sv_failuretime 0.5 unknown ?
sv_filterban 1 unknown enable ip banning
sv_friction 4 server set friction [Flags: sv]
sv_gravity 800 server set gravity (lower is less gravity, higher jumps) [Flags: sv]
sv_instancedbaseline 1 unknown ?
sv_lan 0 server enable LAN server mode
sv_logrelay 0 server ?
sv_maxrate 0 server set the max data transfer rate in bytes per second for any one client on the server. Setting this to 0 or any value over 10000 defaults to 10000. [Flags: sv]
sv_maxspectators 8 server set max number of spectators
sv_maxspeed 270 server set max player speed (for ALL clients) [Flags: sv]
sv_maxunlag 0.5 server set the maximum number of seconds of lag the server will try to compensate for (if sv_unlag is 1). Suggested values are 0.3 to 0.6. Higher numbers will make high-ping players jump around more as their lag is compensated for.
sv_maxupdaterate 60 server set the maximum number of times per second to update clients
sv_maxvelocity 2000 server set max object velocity
sv_minrate 0 server set the min data transfer rate in bytes per second for any one client on the server. Setting this to 0 or any value under 500 defaults to 500. [Flags: sv]
sv_minupdaterate 1 server set the minimum number of times per second to update clients
sv_newunit 0 server ?
sv_password 0 server set server password [Flags: sv]
sv_skycolor_b 0 server set sky color blue value
sv_skycolor_g 0 server set sky color green value
sv_skycolor_r 0 server set sky color red value
sv_skyname 0 server set sky texture
sv_skyvec_x 0 server set sky x-axis orientation
sv_skyvec_y 0 server set sky y-axis orientation
sv_skyvec_z 0 server set sky z-axis orientation
sv_spectalk 1 server enable allowing spectator clients to chat
sv_spectatormaxspeed 500 server set spectator max movement speed
sv_spectator_password 0 server set spectator password
sv_stepsize 18 server set monster and player automatic step-up size (larger values allow auto-climbing of steeper slopes) [Flags: sv]
sv_stopspeed 100 server set the speed at which the server considers a player as beginning to stop (used for prediction) [Flags: sv]
sv_timeout 65 server set timeout inactivity limit
sv_unlag 1 server enable server lag compensation (keep this on and tell clients who prefer it off to use cl_lc 0)
sv_unlagpush 0 server enable server push lag compensation
sv_unlagsamples 1 server set the number of client ping samples to average together to determine the ping the server will try to compensate for (if sv_unlag is 1)
sv_wateraccelerate 10 server set in-water acceleration [Flags: sv]
sv_wateramp 0 server enable amplified (higher) waves in water; clients can set with gl_wateramp
sv_waterfriction 1 server set friction underwater [Flags: sv]
sv_zmax 4096 server set max zbuffer size
swapdemo <demo><seg><seg> demo swap two segments' positions in a demo
sys_ticrate 0.050 old GONE: set system ticrate
s_2dvolume 0.880 audio Maximum volume at which 2D sounds are played. By the nature of the filters being applied to the A3D buffers, they are quieter then their 2D counterparts. Hence it is important to quiet the 2D sounds to normalize volume. Valid range is 0 to 1.0
s_a3d 0 audio enable A3D support (0 may improve performance) [Flags: a]
s_automax_distance 30 audio set distance for max sound volume [Flags: a]
s_automin_distance 2 audio set distance for min sound volume [Flags: a]
s_blipdir 0 unknown ?
s_bloat 2 audio A3D 2.0 only. Bloat factor for polygons. This effectively scales each polygon by a certain amount. This is a rough way to fill holes left by unrendered small polygons. [Flags: a]
s_buffersize 65536 audio set sound buffer size
s_disable_a3d   audio disabe A3D support
s_distance 60 audio adjusts the ratio of game units to meters - affecting velocity, positioning, and distance. The higher this number, the closer everything gets (in audio terms). Valid range is 0 to infinity. [Flags: a]
s_doppler 0 audio adjusts doppler effect - this setting is very sensitive which is why it is disabled by default. Valid range is 0 to 10. [Flags: a]
s_eax 0 audio enable EAX support (0 may improve performance) [Flags: a]
s_enable_a3d   audio enable A3D support
s_geometry 1 audio A3D 2.0 only. enables geometry rendering on/off. When disabled (0), geometry is not processed at all.
s_leafnum 0 unknown ? [Flags: a]
s_materials 0 unknown ?
s_max_distance 1000 audio Maximum distance from the listener before rolloff is no longer applied. Valid range is s_min_distance to infinity [Flags: a]
s_min_distance 8 audio Minimum distance a source will be from the listener before rolloff is applied to it. Sources with a value lower than s_min_distance will play at full volume. Valid range is 0 to s_max_distance. [Flags: a]
s_numpolys 200 audio A3D 2.0 only. Maximum polygons to be rendered. Polygons will stop being rendered either when there are no more polygons left or s_numpolys polygons have been rendered. Setting this to 0 is the same as turning s_geometry off. Valid range is 0 to infinity. [Flags: a]
s_occfactor 0.250 audio A3D 2.0 only. Transmission value of material - the smaller the number, the more occluded the sound is (less sound passes through the material). Valid range is 0 to 1.0
s_occlude 1 audio A3D 2.0 only. enable sound occlusions.
s_occ_epsilon 1 unknown ?
s_polykeep 1000000000 unknown ? [Flags: a]
s_polysize 10000000 unknown ? [Flags: a]
s_refdelay 4 audio A3D 2.0 only. Delay between a source and its closest reflection. The higher the delay, the more time it takes between when the source and its first reflection is played. Valid range is 0 to 100. [Flags: a]
s_refgain 0.400 audio A3D 2.0 only. Adjusts the gain on each reflection, where higher number means louder reflections. Remember very loud reflections could cancel out the effect of HRTFs. Valid range is 0 to 1.0 [Flags: a]
s_reflect 1 audio A3D 2.0 only. enable sound reflections.
s_reverb 1 audio enable reverb (0 may improve performance)
s_rolloff 1 audio Adjusts the rolloff factor; when the rolloff value is increased, the effects of distance are increased: high frequencies are filtered and volume is lowered. Valid range is 0 to 10. [Flags: a]
s_show 0 unknown ?
s_showtossed 0 unknown ?
s_usepvs 1 developer enable use of PVS tables (calculated lists of visible objects based on player position), set to 0 to move around your map without recalculating PVS
s_verbwet 0.250 audio controls the wet/dry mix of reverbfor A3D only. The higher the number, the more wet (more reverb) the sounds. Valid range is 0 to 1.0 [Flags: a]
team 0 server enable team mode, see teamX_color and teamX_model [Flags: ai]
team1_color   server set team1 color, see team
team1_model   server set team1 model, see team
team1_name   server set team1 name, see team
team1_skin   server set team1 skin, see team
team2_color   server set team2 color, see team
team2_model   server set team2 model, see team
team2_name   server set team2 name, see team
team2_skin   server set team2 skin, see team
tell "message" controls sends "message" to the console of player "playername" only. unless that player has developer set to 1 or the console open, they won't see it.
texgamma 2 video set texture gamma level
tfc_adminpwd   server set TFC administrator password ** not functional ** [Flags: sv tfc]
tfc_autoteam   server enable forced auto-team selection [Flags: sv tfc]
tfc_balance_scores   server enable automatic team balancing by score [Flags: sv tfc]
tfc_balance_teams   server enable automatic team balancing by number of players [Flags: sv tfc]
tfc_clanbattle   server enable TFC clan battle (tournament) mode [Flags: sv tfc]
tfc_clanbattle_locked   server enable locked (play) mode if tfc_clanbattle = 1 [Flags: sv tfc]
tfc_respawndelay   server set respawn delay for TFC games [Flags: sv tfc]
thirdperson   prefs enable third-person view (see firstperson, chase_cam)
timedemo <demo> demo play demo HalfLife\Valve\demo.dem at max FPS and report average FPS (see r_speeds, timerefresh, gg)
timerefresh   demo spin view in place and report average FPS for the spin (see timedemo, r_speeds, gg)
togglebrowser   controls toggles default web browser
toggleconsole   controls toggle the console screen
topcolor 30 net set player model top color [Flags: ai]
traceralpha 0.500 prefs set tracer bullet alpha component
tracerblue 0.400 prefs set tracer bullet blue component
tracergreen 0.800 prefs set tracer bullet green component
tracerlength 0.800 prefs set tracer bullet length
traceroffset 30 prefs set tracer bullet offset
tracerred 0.800 prefs set tracer bullet red component
tracerspeed 6000 prefs set tracer bullet speed
tracker 0 unknown ? [Flags: ai]
unbind <key> scripts remove binding to key
unbindall   scripts remove all key bindings
upload   net upload files to server
uprate   old replaced by cl_updaterate
user <name|id#> server list for specified user: model colors, name, rate, model crc
users   server lists user names, userid's, and uniqueid's for all clients connected to the server. Use to find number for kicking/banning problem players. Userid's are assigned serially as users join the server, but uniqueid's are unique numbers assigned to a single user -- use the uniqueid to permanently ban players. See kick, banid, writeid, removeid
version   misc display build version and exe date/timestamp
vgui_emulatemouse 0 unknown ?
vid_d3d 0 video enable Direct3D support (keep this off if your video card supports OpenGL)
vid_describemode   video display video mode settings
viewframe   video enable wire-frame display (OpenGL only, not 3dfx)
viewmodel   video enable model display
viewnext   video select next model
viewprev   video select previous model
viewsize 120 video set view size [Flags: a]
violence_ablood 1 prefs enable blood (0 will improve perfomance some, but you won't see any blood)
violence_agibs 1 prefs enable gibs (0 will improve performance some, but you won't see body chunks)
violence_hblood 1 prefs enable more blood (0 will improve perfomance some, but you won't see as much blood)
violence_hgibs 1 prefs enable more gibs (0 will improve performance some, but you won't see as many body chunks)
volume 0.800 audio set game volume [Flags: a]
v_centermove 0.150 prefs set autocentering threshold (how much the view must move before autocentering kicks in)
v_centerspeed 500 prefs set autocentering speed
v_dark 0 unknown ?
wait   scripts pause for 1 tick in alias or script
waterroom_type 14 unknown ?
weapon_357   controls weapon name for "use " command; selects .357 magnum pistol (not for TFC, see tf_weapon_* for TFC weapon names)
weapon_9mmAR   controls weapon name for "use " command; selects 9mm Assault Rifle (not for TFC, see tf_weapon_* for TFC weapon names)
weapon_9mmhandgun   controls weapon name for "use " command; selects 9mm Pistol (not for TFC, see tf_weapon_* for TFC weapon names)
weapon_crossbow   controls weapon name for "use " command; selects Crossbow (not for TFC, see tf_weapon_* for TFC weapon names)
weapon_crowbar   controls weapon name for "use " command; selects crowbar (not for TFC, see tf_weapon_* for TFC weapon names)
weapon_displacer   controls use the displacer weapon (works with or without 'use' command, or with /give cheat) [Flags: opfor]
weapon_eagle   controls use the desert eagle pistol with laser sight (works with or without 'use' command, or with /give cheat) [Flags: opfor]
weapon_egon   controls weapon name for "use " command; selects Egon Gun (not for TFC, see tf_weapon_* for TFC weapon names)
weapon_gauss   controls weapon name for "use " command; selects Gauss Gun (not for TFC, see tf_weapon_* for TFC weapon names)
weapon_grapple   controls use the alien grapple weapon (works with or without 'use' command, or with /give cheat) [Flags: opfor]
weapon_handgrenade   controls weapon name for "use " command; selects Hand Grenades (not for TFC, see tf_weapon_* for TFC weapon names)
weapon_hornetgun   controls weapon name for "use " command; selects Hornet Gun (not for TFC, see tf_weapon_* for TFC weapon names)
weapon_knife   controls use the knife (works with or without 'use' command, or with /give cheat) [Flags: opfor]
weapon_m249   controls use the m249 machine gun (works with or without 'use' command, or with /give cheat) [Flags: opfor]
weapon_pipewrench   controls use the pipewrench (works with or without 'use' command, or with /give cheat) [Flags: opfor]
weapon_rpg   controls weapon name for "use " command; selects Rocket Launcher (not for TFC, see tf_weapon_* for TFC weapon names)
weapon_satchel   controls weapon name for "use " command; selects Satchel Charge (not for TFC, see tf_weapon_* for TFC weapon names)
weapon_shockrifle   controls use the alien shockrifle weapon (works with or without 'use' command, or with /give cheat) [Flags: opfor]
weapon_shotgun   controls weapon name for "use " command; selects Shotgun (not for TFC, see tf_weapon_* for TFC weapon names)
weapon_snark   controls weapon name for "use " command; selects Snarks (not for TFC, see tf_weapon_* for TFC weapon names)
weapon_sniperrifle   controls use the sniper rifle (works with or without 'use' command, or with /give cheat) [Flags: opfor]
weapon_sporelauncher   controls use the alien spore launcher (works with or without 'use' command, or with /give cheat) [Flags: opfor]
weapon_tripmine   controls weapon name for "use " command; selects Tripmines (not for TFC, see tf_weapon_* for TFC weapon names)
writeid   server write a list of permanently banned id #'s to .\banned.cfg. See users, kick, banid, writeid, removeid
writeip   server write ip addresses to halflife\valve\listip.cfg
zoom_sensitivity_ratio 1.200 mouse set the ratio of normal mouse sensitivity to zoomed-in (alt fire crossbow or .357 in HL, sniper rifle in TFC) mouse sensitivity
_snd_mixahead 0.100 audio set sound mixahead value (like s_mixahead in Q2), different values may help fix stuttering problems on some sound cards [Flags: a]

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