
Whether you had a question: "How much Uplinks do they made?"?
So here it is - complete list of Uplinks:
1. Original Half-Life Uplink (halflifedemo.exe) consists of (830) engine, 3 uplink maps, 7 hazard course maps and beautiful "Order Half-Life" html page.
2. Half-Life: Uplink mod (uplink.zip), which gives you ability to run it as mod within your full Half-Life, consists of 3 uplink maps.
3. Uplink Lite (uplink_lite.exe) consists only of 3 uplink maps and sound sentences, so you must run it from console.
4. Half-Life Uplink Addon (HLuplink12.zip) - inserts uplink maps seamlessly into original game somewhere near Lambda Reactor Core. Consists of 5 changed HL maps, 3 uplink maps, 2 models and 2 sounds.
5. Half-Life: Uplink Extended (hl_uplink_ext_11.zip) - it's a free implementation of uplink, a full mod with 5 maps.
6. SteamLink (steamlink-1.5.exe or steamlink-1.5r1.zip) - old 3 uplink maps, just with steam background.

See also: www.halflifeuplink.com

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